Tag: avocado

Scrambled eggs with bacon and asparagus
Contains: 6 ingredients
Category: Breakfast
Difficulty: Easy

Scrambled eggs with bacon and asparagus

January 30, 2017 1 0 No Comments
1. Start with prepping the asparagus. Secure at each end and start bending them, at some point one end will snap, that woody part can be discarded because it’s very chewy and fibrous. Use that one as reference to chop all the asparagus to the same length discarding all the…
Egg Avo Breakfast
Contains: 6 ingredients
Category: Breakfast
Difficulty: Easy

Egg Avo Breakfast

December 1, 2016 1 2 No Comments
1 – Boil eggs for 5 min. 2 – Open avocados, take out pits. 3 – Scoop out a little bit of the avocado to make space enough for a boiled egg to fit. 4 – Put the boiled egg in ice for a couple of minutes to make peeling the…
Avocado Shake
Contains: 4 ingredients
Category: Drink
Difficulty: Easy

Avocado Shake

September 10, 2016 4 4 No Comments
Add the Almond milk, and Stevia to the blender Cut the avocado in half, remove the seed and remove the flesh from the skin, add to the mixer Add in 4 ice cubes and Stevia Blend on the smoothie section of your blender or until the mixture is yogurt consistency Enjoy…
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