Tag: snacks

Chorizo Breakfast Muffins
Contains: 8 ingredients
Category: Snack
Difficulty: Easy

Chorizo Breakfast Muffins

February 7, 2020 0 0 No Comments
1. Preheat the oven to 350°F. Place a medium skillet over medium-high heat. Add 1 tablespoon coconut oil and wait for 30 seconds. 2. Add chorizo to hot skillet and cook, stirring frequently, for 4 to 5 minutes, or until browned. Remove from heat and set aside. 3. In a…
Bacon Brie Burger
Contains: 6 ingredients
Category: Snack
Difficulty: Easy

Bacon Brie Burger

January 28, 2020 1 1 No Comments
1. Form beef into 2 equal-sized patties that are as thin as possible. Set aside. 2. Heat a medium skillet over medium heat. Add uncured bacon to the skillet and cook, turning occasionally, for 4 to 6 minutes or until bacon is crisp. Remove bacon from the skillet and place…
Broccoli Cheese Nuggets
Contains: 5 ingredients
Category: Snack
Difficulty: Easy

Broccoli Cheese Nuggets

January 21, 2020 1 1 No Comments
1. Preheat oven to 350. Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper. Use knife to cut the broccoli into small pieces. 2. Add the other ingredients and mix well. 3. Drop 20 scoops onto the prepared baking sheet and press into a nugget shape. Bake for 20 min until firm…
Keto Tomatillo Salsa
Contains: 6 ingredients
Category: Appetizer
Difficulty: Easy

Keto Tomatillo Salsa

May 8, 2019 0 1 No Comments
1. Mix well all ingredients in a bowl and season with black pepper and salt. 2. Serve!
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